Friday, August 25, 2023


Holistic Living Care Centre: an idea for the future of health care. Your amazing body can heal itself 

in a beautiful natural environment, with healthy vegetarian / vegan foods.

LIVING: With the current housing shortage ~ we may include a 'Living' area where staff/people can live & learn the holistic ways.

LAND USE & FOOD: organic for: Herbs and medicinal plants ~ possibly in the Richmond Valley Council area, or the Highlands of NSW (up near Glen Innes) or the Upper Hunter area near Scone or in Moree, with the Artesian (Healing Waters) there may be branches on the Sunshine Coast Qld. or near Gosford on the Central Coast NSW. Gardens will be essential to create a beautiful environment (see - pop-up fresh vegie garden in a container!).

Light & Green-plant based plant produce for cancers. Promoting Organic Hemp Oil, or if required Medicinal Hemp products

Nutritionalists to help people in the home & for outside people, vegetarian/vegan restaurant, possibly open to the public + a health Food shop.

Vegetarian /Vegan foods - raw and/or never over- cooked. Whole, LIGHT, Green, Food will be served. Plant-based Foods for specific healing.

GREY water to be recycled to grow green veggies (pond close to Greenhouse)/garden & to save precious water.

GREENHOUSE - CLOSE TO KITCHEN-Plants/leaves/vegies are washed prior to entering kitchen

Powered by solar and wind + Battery.

TRADITIONAL Aboriginal Healing :  The Wisdom of Aboriginal spirituality and healing and the connection to this ancient land. There are many foods & practices that are full of healing & vitality.

Possibly a personal journey to offering Aboriginal healing (spa) care. Serenity Vibration Healing also (SVH) recommended.

A SPIRITUAL ZONE: The whole area of HCC is a Spiritual Zone, so a religion - neutral area is encouraged. Where our gender-neutral staff will be working & healing our clients,  their comfort is important. There will be a 'Peace, Love & Quiet room for meditation & contemplation' where all people are invited to visit. After all, we are ALL a soul with a physical body, and breathing Purified Air.

We will have all-Gender Toilets & Bathrooms.


12 Units in a pod, set out in the 4 directions : one pod for each direction: N, S, E, & W. (JD) - each pod named after a flower.

Possible dome shape containing 2 or 4 rooms, or rectangular/dome - circular shape/yurt, in a natural area w/trees, plants, flowers & nearby river. The LIVING area can be communal or seperate units or space to park 'Tiny Houses'. Carpark covered with solar panels (PV's) for EV's


Using HEMP where possible ( )- Gary Rogers -0409-576 458 ~ using non-toxic building materials

or new products, now available, maybe shipping containers, also some Yurts & Domes. People heal

quicker in a circular building or space.


Not - for -profit: Volunteers to help with Trained Carers. We will feature a Gender- neutral staff policy with equal pay.

Volunteers will train and experience work for their understanding with Healers & nurses & a doctor (if available).


We may use an existing ‘operator’ and enhance the Care Centre Partnership.

HELP or IDEAS or FINANCIAL SUPPORT: Any Philanthropists ?  Call Michael on mobile: +61 -(0)490-237-487

I am looking for sponsors - Any help or assistance is appreciated, no matter how small, very Grateful, Michael

An idea by Michael Bray: I'm LIVING this idea, that's why I want to share it with others, as at 9-2018 / Updated: 6-07-2023. Updated as a Blog: 26-8-2023

 email:   |   Michael Francis Bray  |   0490-237 487  |                                         Copyright © 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024 ~ Michael Francis Bray. 


  PLEASE NOTE: The W.H.O. (World Health Organisation) says that people entering a 'Nursing home' have a right to be given a choice: either they want a Holistic diet &/or Energy Healing to continue & sustain their life, their way OR medication to assist them to continue their life. When I entered a 'nursing home' I was NOT given a choice, I was there for 5 months & I WOKE UP! & I AM MUCH BETTER: My amazing body HEALS ITSELF, It has an immune system & with positive ideas/feelings & Loving thoughts from me. 


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" The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human being with drugs, but rather will 

cure and prevent disease with nutrition" ... Thomas Edison

Also in the future: We will work with modulating the Gut Microbiome creating overall health  & wellness benefits.

Albert Einstein said: 'Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies'.  Tesla famously said 'If you wish to understand the Universe, think of Energy, Frequency and Vibration'.

A Rainbow of Light in a medicated world.   Your health ~ your choices. Your body heals itself

I was living in France for 4 years, writing & visiting Europe when I experienced a stroke. I spent a month in a French hospital in Pau, then I flew myself to Brisbane & stayed in Ipswich Hospital (for another month) - they taught me how to walk, then I was in a Nursing home for 5 months & later independent living for 6 months. I now live in Cessnock, Hunter area NSW.

The Nursing home was interesting, because I rang a wonderful ex nurse friend & I discovered she was in a nursing home & she said: ‘They are giving me medication that is killing me - unfortunately it did and Patricia graduated some months later.

Following our chat I decided to cancel my medication, slowly & I started to take Hemp Oil & I also bought a blender & I was making a ‘green plant - based’ Mix which I believe really helped me. I thought all this was for a reason ~

I asked A.Angel Michael why Im here ( 2018, as I returned from France in May 2018) - OMGoodness: I’m here (In Australia) to create a Holistic {Healing} {Spiritual} Care Centre - somehow, somewhere, With healing and health foods & in a beautiful  environment - but it will work - The 'how' and 'where' is open to the Universe.

I trust, with the right people - Amazing - I have firmly believed ‘The body heals Itself’. THE SEEDS ARE PLANTED.

All Books:

BOOKS BY MICHAEL FRANCIS BRAY, 'Angels are Real'    - stories of how my Angels  have helped me through my life. 1946-1992 'Angel...