Friday, August 25, 2023


  PLEASE NOTE: The W.H.O. (World Health Organisation) says that people entering a 'Nursing home' have a right to be given a choice: either they want a Holistic diet &/or Energy Healing to continue & sustain their life, their way OR medication to assist them to continue their life. When I entered a 'nursing home' I was NOT given a choice, I was there for 5 months & I WOKE UP! & I AM MUCH BETTER: My amazing body HEALS ITSELF, It has an immune system & with positive ideas/feelings & Loving thoughts from me. 


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" The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human being with drugs, but rather will 

cure and prevent disease with nutrition" ... Thomas Edison

Also in the future: We will work with modulating the Gut Microbiome creating overall health  & wellness benefits.

Albert Einstein said: 'Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies'.  Tesla famously said 'If you wish to understand the Universe, think of Energy, Frequency and Vibration'.

A Rainbow of Light in a medicated world.   Your health ~ your choices. Your body heals itself

I was living in France for 4 years, writing & visiting Europe when I experienced a stroke. I spent a month in a French hospital in Pau, then I flew myself to Brisbane & stayed in Ipswich Hospital (for another month) - they taught me how to walk, then I was in a Nursing home for 5 months & later independent living for 6 months. I now live in Cessnock, Hunter area NSW.

The Nursing home was interesting, because I rang a wonderful ex nurse friend & I discovered she was in a nursing home & she said: ‘They are giving me medication that is killing me - unfortunately it did and Patricia graduated some months later.

Following our chat I decided to cancel my medication, slowly & I started to take Hemp Oil & I also bought a blender & I was making a ‘green plant - based’ Mix which I believe really helped me. I thought all this was for a reason ~

I asked A.Angel Michael why Im here ( 2018, as I returned from France in May 2018) - OMGoodness: I’m here (In Australia) to create a Holistic {Healing} {Spiritual} Care Centre - somehow, somewhere, With healing and health foods & in a beautiful  environment - but it will work - The 'how' and 'where' is open to the Universe.

I trust, with the right people - Amazing - I have firmly believed ‘The body heals Itself’. THE SEEDS ARE PLANTED.

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