Saturday, November 18, 2023

Angels and Healing

 FRANCE: A PLACE OF HEALING: Working with the Angels and dropping Energised Crystals:

I Was in France for 4 years, I moved to Arras in NE France  and I wondered why I was there: to help with Healing the energy of the ww1 Western Front:

Firstly - TRAVELS : Michael has travelled to many places since 1955:

Michael started traveling with his family in 1955, at age 9. This was on a DC-3 flight from Sydney to an island near Forster in NSW. He has visited about 56 countries.

Travel has been in his blood and heart ever since.

He worked in the airline industry in Australia and Papua New Guinea for many years and also owned and managed a vegetarian restaurant in Lismore NSW. This was where he discovered more about his team of Angels.

On the back cover of his book “Angels are Real” first published in 1995 is quoted: 

‘He has traveled the world sharing his inspiring spiritual understanding and how to work with Healing ......’

From 1983 he traveled through Australia and to New Zealand, the USA, Puerto Rico, Canada, the UK, Scotland, all of Ireland and the Netherlands sharing about Angels and living a positive loving life; at public lectures, Psychic Fairs, courses and workshops.

Michael has had many media articles written about his adventures with Angels in large cities and country towns in many countries.

Since 1996 his intention to travel is about helping HUmanity and healing the planet, plus enjoy the many people and locations and differences on this wonderful planet, Earth. He has also worked with people in France, Belgium, Sweden and Cyprus, plus he is also on a mission to heal old and current war energies on every level of Gaia - see crystals and scroll down \/

He has also been on a campaign to drop crystals in many locations to support this ideal - see also Crystals ~ below, scroll down.

Check out 6 BOOKS: Michael is the author of ‘Angels are Real’, 1 and 2; ‘Angel and Fairy Alphabet’; ‘Fairies are Real’ and ‘Playing with Angels’, and 'You are a Magnificent Amazing Being made from Stardust'

-Updated 20 Aug 2018: Michael has visited 57 countries, and lived in 9 countries.

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And Countries where crystals have been planted by myself and friends: 50 Countries:

Australia: ACT; Qld.; NSW; NT; Vic.; W.A.; TAS. 

Aland Islands, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China (Hong Kong), Cook Islands, Cyprus, Denmark, Dubai & Abu Dhabi UAE,

Easter Island (Chile), Egypt, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Greece, Germany, Iceland,

India, Indonesia, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Papua New Guinea, Russian Federation, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Timor-Leste, Vatican City, Turkey, UK (includes Northern Ireland & Scotland), USA.


“Back in 1982 I was gifted a crystal in Lismore, NSW, by a wonderful friend. I hung it above my bed and decided that I only needed that crystal. Later, a friend called it ‘The Mother of all Crystals’ ~ so I knew there was more to what I was doing / experiencing. I still have it.

I learned more about crystals and about their special healing energy and how they can benefit people, animals and earth. I love that I can do this and I know I have wanted to share this Love and Light around the planet for many lifetimes”..... Michael.

Crystal expansion ~

In 2009 he attended a SVH Level 3 Mastery course in Port Douglas, Queensland with Jill Marie, founder of Serenity Vibration Healing® (SVH) and many others wanting to expand their Spiritual understanding of life. At one point we visited a lovely white painted church just on the waters edge and close by, Jill Marie married a couple, spiritually near the waters edge. We as a group also took part in an Environment Healing for earth and the waters, islands and reef in the area and all around the planet. At the end of the ceremony, we all planted a Citrine crystal into the earth, in a circle.

I had the idea that if we can do this here, then we can do this same healing, calibrated to the situation and environment anywhere on the planet.

Since 2009 Michael has been on a mission to plant as many crystals as possible around the planet - to help people, animals and nature in the area and heal the environmental area, enhance and Bless the area and assist in the big changes happening on Gaia at every moment.

Each unique crystal contains SVH Healing energy and environment healing and this energy and healing is updated every day, by the Creator and ArchAngel Michael, whenever it is 12 noon, local time on the planet. In some locations the energy is also updated at 12 midnight, or more frequently, every nano-second, because it may need to be more frequent.

Now there are places where we have not traveled to, so one time Michael was flying from Europe to Australia and he was watching the map of the flight that just happened to be over the Middle East and he wondered about creating etheric crystals (and later pillars) everywhere there was no physical crystal - so in every square 5mm or 1/4 inch, all over the planet; there is now an etheric crystal that is updated every day by the Creator and ArchAngel Michael. For more information about connecting all around the planet - you may choose to hear ‘Mission Link’ as a 17 minute MP3 on YouTube - opens in a new window - and help heal the planet.

If you wish to be a part of this Crystal Mission ~ here are some ideas or suggestions. Firstly click on this YouTube link ‘Mission Link’ ~ (17 minutes, new window). Then follow these guidelines: Take several crystals and hold them near your heart space / heart chakra. Check first if they would like to be a part of this mission ~ you will get an answer. Then hold the crystals near your heart for 3 minutes. They use ‘Bluetooth’. Then find a location to leave each crystal. Ask which crystal wants to be there and then plant it. For example, some crystals want to be under, near or in a tree, bush or plant. Some want to be in your home or work place and some want to be outside in water. They will tell you. Have fun sharing this joy in your part of the planet. Your kitchen is a good place.

I would love you to email me so I can add your country to the map and list below - Contact Michael via - email ~ link to: Mission Link /\ above

Enjoy what you are doing and if you need more empowerment - go to this link to several YouTube’s - click one that interests you. Thank you for being a part of my journey to uplift and inspire all humanity, nature and all levels of Gaia.


New in 2016 ~ Michael has also created etheric Crystal Pillars, with the help of Jill Marie, from SVH, the Creator and ArchAngel Michael and many Angels: the pillars are 15cm or 6” square at the surface of Gaia. They start from a point at the centre of Gaia and travel out through the body and edge of Gaia and then they cover the area from Gaia out to the cosmos and beyond. At the surface of Gaia all the sides of the pillars touch each other. These pillars each contain 111 positive loving words, vibrations, sounds, resonance and frequencies and enhance the work of the crystals and especially help with the energy on Earth/Gaia. The energy in each pillar is updated daily by the Creator and AA Michael, however if the pillar travels through an area less than 100% love and Light, the energy is updated every nano-second until the energy is 100% Love. Each pillar also contains cones and sacred geometries to accelerate, amplify and activate this healing. Continuing in 2018.

The pillars are supported by a new grid titled ‘Stellar Points of Convergence‘ - this grid touches specific areas of Gaia in 85 places around the world and is usually about 1km in circumference at each touch-down point.

There are a few places in Europe where ‘Stellar’ touches: 1 in southern France, just south of Mirepoix; 1 in Belgium near Ghent (Gent) and 1 near the border of France and Italy near the Mediterranean Sea. There is 1 known touch-down place in Australia near the new airport at Toowoomba, Qld., in a forest area. Another is in an area called Yala in Thailand, on the border with Malaysia, near the Bang Lang National Park. A new location has been discovered east of Stockholm, Sweden, on a small island with trees.

Listed above /\ are 50 countries where crystals have been planted by Michael and friends. If we are unable to physically plant a crystal, Michael has arranged for the Creator and ArchAngel Michael to create an etheric crystal every square 5mm or square 1/4 inch everywhere on Gaia and on every level of Gaia. So every day at 12 noon, local time, the crystals are Blessed and their energy is updated. Every 24 hours, or more frequently, all the crystals/pillars and the whole of the planet are blessed and the energy is updated. 

Healing old and current war energies world-wide with crystals.

Michael is also dropping crystals or placing etheric crystals/pillars in the area of the Western Front (WW1) in France and Belgium. Ireland has also received this healing and the rest of the planet will be healed by the end of this year, 2016. This action is to honour and respect those who paid the ultimate sacrifice; Blessing them all and all the animals, nature and the earth. However there is a need to clear the energy of all wars, world-wide, on all levels of Gaia, on land and in the sea and in the air. He has visited 161 locations along the Western Front, dropping over 210 crystals.

When someone dies, an imprint is left in the location and this is embedded in earth, so I wanted to heal that old energy of the person, while honouring and respecting them, so the earth can flourish and place its attention on Love, Light, Blessings and Prosperity etc. This mission is overseen by the Creator and ArchAngel Michael and is helping to lighten the energy of earth (Gaia) and to help people move from the old 3rd dimension to the current 5th dimension and beyond that. 

This is such rewarding work and I love helping Gaia and all humanity, Love, Michael.

Amended 10 July 2016: A gift from the Creator:

Each crystal planted by myself or someone, now has a radiance of 55,000km or 34,175 miles in every direction.…… It will really help the planet. (For example the distance from Paris to Auckland is 18,534km. or Earth to the Moon is 384,400km)

They contain the 111 positive loving words, vibrations, energy, sounds, resonance and frequencies that the pillars also have. They now radiate all around the planet ~ touching every country and out to space and deep within Gaia.

There is a new memorial to the Cathar’s from around 1167 onwards at Les Cassés in southern France - here is a photo collection on FaceBook  ... at Les Cassés, France

Thanks to the SVH Mission Team and The Creator and A/Angel Michael and their teams.

My Toyota Prius car was shipped from Brisbane on 13 April 2014 to Marseille and it was loaded with my crystals and personal effects. It travelled via Sydney, Melbourne, Fremantle, Singapore, Jeddah, Port Said and Damaitta (Egypt), then Genoa, Italy and arrived in Marseille, on 2nd  June. All the time I have asked the Creator and ArchAngel Michael to work with the loving healing energy of the crystals to saturate the area the ship has travelled through and the area around the ship for over 5000km in every direction. This has not only enhanced planet earth but it has helped me reach places I have no been able to touch. I am so pleased that the ship has stopped in Egypt just at the time of the Presidential election results. Today 16/06/2014 the ship has sailed back to Damaitta, northern Egypt and to Hong Kong. My car has now cleared customs in Marseille. I am now driving through Europe and UK/Ireland and recently I drove through 5 countries in 1 day (Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, Germany and France) - that can only happen in Europe. The car is now registered in Europe.

Check out our 6 BOOKS: Michael is the author of ‘Angels are Real’; ‘Angels are Real 2’; ‘Angel and Fairy Alphabet’; ‘Fairies are Real’ and ‘Playing with Angels’ 

For more information about connecting all around the planet - you may choose to hear ‘Mission Link’ as a 17 minute MP3 on YouTube - opens in a new window - and help heal the planet, or join us in sharing crystals around this wonderful planet.

Enjoy - see also travels (above)  +  see also 3D Cleaning up - (below)  -  shop for books - books

Page updated 9 Jan. 2018.  Suggested link to Mission Link - help heal the world ~ see below \/

Thank you so much.  

Countries where crystals have been physically planted by Michael or others who have chosen to take the crystals with them to 48 countries:

Australia: ACT; Qld.; NSW; NT; Vic.; W.A.; TAS. 

Aland Islands, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, China (Hong Kong), Cook Islands, Cyprus, Denmark, Dubai & Abu Dhabi UAE,

Easter Island (Chile), Egypt, Estonia, Fiji, Finland, France, Greece, Germany, Iceland,

India, Indonesia, Ireland, Isle of Man, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Portugal, Papua New Guinea, Russian Federation, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Timor-Leste, Vatican City, Turkey, UK (includes Northern Ireland & Scotland), USA.

Soon: anywhere: Why not be a part of the team that can carry crystals to new countries (read above). 

Contact Michael for info - email    /    New expansion - see cleaning up 3D 


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All Books:

BOOKS BY MICHAEL FRANCIS BRAY, 'Angels are Real'    - stories of how my Angels  have helped me through my life. 1946-1992 'Angel...